Who we are
Mighty Mac's Power Washing is a cleaning service located in the Lewis Smith Lake Region of Alabama. We specialize in soft washing & pressure washing cleaning processes for residential or commercial purposes. Mighty Mac's serves the entire Lewis Smith Lake Alabama Area and surrounding cities. We can travel to your location by water or land depending on the services you need.
Our Processes
We take the time and precautions to complete our work with the best possible outcome. Your property is of the utmost importance, and we pride ourselves in preserving it. Mighty Mac's will document the jobsite before the work begins. We will let you know of any potential problem areas that could affect the job. The cleaning process will be undertaken with precision and detail. We will take the necessary steps to protect any auxiliary property from being affected while cleaning. Cleaning agents are applied according to necessity of the job without environmental damage or waste. Once the job is completed, we will document the area again so you will be able to see the difference.